Revelator is designed to help your business thrive. The Revelator Pro application is divided into focus areas around different types of users or workflows. Let's take a quick tour so you know where to find everything you're looking for.

Primary navigation: A constant companion at the side of the screen. Quickly access the core modules you access most often, like 
Catalog, Royalties, Analytics, and Finances. 

Secondary navigation: Once you've chosen your core module, secondary navigation acts like a detailed map. Dive deeper into subsections within each module. Under Catalog, for example, you'll find subsections like Releases, Tracks, Artists, and Labels, guiding you directly to the specific entities you need to manage and grow your business.

The Revelator Pro Interface is designed to make it easy to perform every workflow as quickly as possible. Learn the most common workflows using the walkthrough videos below.

Shortcuts and Enhanced Search 

Use this workflow to learn the best shortcuts and use enhanced application search.

Managing Catalog - Artists and Labels 

Use this workflow to learn how to manage your catalog, artists and labels.

User and Account Settings 

Use this workflow to learn how to configure, verify and change user and account settings.

Payments and Transactions 

Use this workflow to learn how to review transactions, approve royalty statements and make payments.