Each DSP is slightly different, but in most cases, you'll be able to maintain historical data like streams, monthly listeners, etc. I recommend checking in with support anyway, just to be sure, particularly if there's a specific data or DSP you're concerned about. We can confirm the process before anything goes awry.

The following the DSPs will not maintain play counts:

YouTube Music

There are two important factors to remember to avoid disruption. 

1. Confirm the migration process for each DSP with the Support team.

I want to stress that every DSP has its own process, so it's best to do your entire catalog at once with our help and guidance. Just reach out if you plan to migrate a large number of releases. We will give you detailed instructions for each DSP to ensure you get the correct process and avoid downtime of your releases!

The most important step to keep your history and data intact is using the exact same metadata when you distribute the release with Revelator. This brings us to the second factor.

2. Keep the metadata exactly the same!

This is crucial! When migrating your catalog, please avoid changing any of the following fields until after your migration. Maintaining these fields as is will ensure the highest likelihood that your new instance will merge with your old instance and maintain its stream count, listing on playlists, etc.

For Tracks 

  • ISRC
  • Audio
  • Track Length
  • Title
  • Title Version
  • Artists
  • Lyrics Language
  • Parental Advisory

For Releases

  • UPC
  • Track Count
  • Metadata Language

So if you're handling a single release's migration by yourself, triple-check that the metadata is identical to the previous distribution to ensure things go smoothly.