The following outlines the process for migrating and redistributing a catalog through Revelator:

  1. Importing Catalog into Revelator Pro
  2. Catalog ingestion into Revelator is complete and valid. Notable issues can be:
    • Incomplete publishing metadata
    • Older asset files not up to the current DSP requirements (for example, artwork must be, at min., 1400x1400, but 3000x3000 is highly recommended)
    • Lack of Spotify & Apple artist IDs — these are crucial in ensuring successful track-linking, and in cases where a Revelator Spotify deal is used, or you are in Spotify's Preferred Provider Program (PPP), these IDs are required
  3. Provide migration instructions by filling out our Client Migration Worksheet.
  4. Revelator distributes the catalog in batch to stores
  5. Revelator monitors the delivery. Revelator does not QA once the assets are live — this is the client's responsibility
  6. Revelator notifies the customer when it is safe to issue takedowns
  7. Client issues the takedowns from their previous distributor(s)
  8. Revelator does not monitor the status of takedowns — this is the client's responsibility


When redistributing using Revelator's DSP deals: it depends on the size of the catalog but you should always count on a minimum of 7 days because you need to give time for track linking after delivery. 

If you are redistributing through Revelator using direct/Merlin deals, you would need to add an additional 3-4 weeks. Based on the deal it can take time for new opt-ins to go into effect or DSPs to confirm that the deal is in place and/or create the member's account.