DISCLAIMER: Revelator is not a tax advisor and is not authorized to provide tax advice. Any tax-related information posted on Revelator is not intended nor should be construed as tax, legal or investment advice. If you have questions about tax-related issues, please consult with a tax professional.
Please refer to the table below or complete our tax questionnaire provided directly in Step 3 of the Payments area on Tipalti, which will help you determine the correct form to complete. Answers are not saved in the system. Therefore, if you exit before completion, you will have to restart the questionnaire.

The following table lists the questions in the tax form questionnaire and the direction of flow based on your answers.
1 | Are you an individual? | Go to #2 | Go to #3 |
2 | Do any of the following apply to you? Are you a US citizen? Are you a resident of the US, meaning: Are you a dual citizen with one citizenship being US? Are you subject to taxation as a US citizen? Were you born in the US and have not formally renounced US citizenship?
| W-9 | Go to #4 |
3 | Is the entity formed and registered in the US? | W-9 | Go to #5 |
4 | Is your income effectively connected with the conduct of trade or business within the US? | W-8ECI | Go to #6 |
5 | Is the entity a foreign partnership, a foreign simple trust, or a foreign grantor trust (not subject to tax in its country of residence and not claiming treaty benefits)? | W-8IMY | Go to #7 |
6 | Are you acting as an Intermediary (Qualified or Non-Qualified)? | W-8IMY | W-8BEN or go to #8 (depending on your payer's configuration) |
7 | Is the income of the entity effectively connected with the conduct of trade or business within the US (have a trade or business in the US and file US tax returns)? | W-8ECI | Go to #9 |
8 | Are you claiming a treaty benefit for personal services performed in the US? | 8233 (depending on your payer's configuration) | W-8BEN (depending on your payer's configuration) |
9 | Do you represent a foreign government, an international organization, a foreign central bank of issue, a tax-exempt foreign organization, a private foreign foundation, government of a US possession claiming the applicability of section(s) 115(2), 501(c), 892, 895, or 1443(b)? | W-8EXP | Go to #10 |
10 | Do any of the following apply to you? |