Please note that at this time these instructions only apply to Data Pro (premium analytics) clients.

Please follow the instructions below in order to connect Revelator to your YouTube account so that we can retrieve your YouTube daily trends.

The objective is to add our API user to your YouTube account with very limited permissions.

1. Log into your YouTube Content Owner CMS

2. Click on Settings at the bottom of the left-side menu

3. Click on Permissions at the top of the left-side menu in the modal window

4. Click on MANAGE ROLES:

5. Click on the role selector and pick Create new

6. Create a new role called Revelator Data Pro with the following permissions only:

  • Analytics & reports
  • Read only
  • No bulk actions on content

7. Click DONE

8. This returns you to the main modal window. Click INVITE:

9. Invite this email address: [email protected] and assign it the Revelator Data Pro role that you just created:

10. Copy your “Content Owner ID”. This ID appears in the URL of your YT CMS. It’s the random series of characters after /owner/. Example:**QbQCZrQLoHvE4oMgYOXhgg**/…

11. Email [email protected] and [email protected] to:

  • Confirm that you have done the above
  • Send us your Content Owner ID