Tabs & Features

The financial dashboard can be broken down into three primary tab groups: the summary tab, details tabs (Revenue Analytics, RPS Analytics and Catalog Analytics), specialized tabs (Revenue Projection, P&L, Revenue / RPS / Streams Trees, Monitoring, and Q&A).

  1. Summary

The general purpose of the summary tab is to present the user with a single-page, high-level overview of all subsets of data presented in the financial dashboard. The summary page is designed to surface the key metrics and allow you to quickly assess the financial performance of your Catalog across the various subset of the revenue-based data (Revenue & RPS Trends, Catalog performance) while providing an easy way to drill into the data. Each section of the summary page corresponds to a particular tab of the dashboard, with the "explore details >>" buttons allowing you to navigate to a more detailed representation of the data quickly.


  • Revenue Overview: top-level revenue data: revenue & RPS trends, revenue on top 5 DSPs, breakdown by country & revenue source

        Explore details >> navigate to the Revenue Analytics page.

  • RPS Overview: top-level RPS data: average RPS for top5 DSPs, RPS vs previous year

Explore details >> navigate to RPS Analytics.

  • Catalog Overview: Top-level stats on Catalog structure & movements for the period: Catalog composition by Release & top Catalog movements

        Explore details >> navigate to Catalog Analytics    

  1. Revenue Analytics

The revenue analytics tab is designed to allow you to analyze revenue trends across your entire Catalog or a specific asset. Analyze the movements in revenue by DSP, storefront, country, and revenue source.     


  • Revenue Overview: revenue & RPS trendlines across the selected period & revenue movement breakdown by DSP. A top 10 DSPs by Revenue visual allows you to understand the DSP-specific trends at a glance, with a “view as a table” flip card button allowing you to access the full details on revenue movements by DSP and storefront

  • Revenue Source Analytics: Understand how different sources of revenue (subscription streaming, downloads, user-generated content (UGC), etc. contribute to the overall bottom line and assess the most important growth drivers for your asset or catalog.

  • Geo Revenue Analytics: Revenue composition by country: quickly assess your highest grossing markets and understand the local movements in revenue

  1. RPS Analytics

The RPS analytics tab is designed to provide you with access to the entire wealth of RPS data to assess the potential return on investment by revenue source, DSP and market. Understand how different DSPs and markets stuck up to each other in terms of revenue per stream/sale, and find the subsets of consumption with the highest potential ROI.


  • RPS Analytics: the trend line of RPS vs. previous year + historical RPS table (RPS by months and year across your entire dataset). Boxes around the section allow you to quickly drill into the specific subset of RPS data by filtering on a specific DSP or Country

  • RPS Geo Analytics: the view of RPS by country: understand your highest potential markets at a glance. A flip card between a filled map view (with on-hover tooltips) and a Market/DSP RPS Matrix, allowing you to quickly diagnose the highest and lowest RPS by a combination of market and DSP

  • RPS Lookup: quickly find a set of RPS values. Using the slicers at the top of the section you can quickly select DSPs/Storefronts, Markets, Delivery type and assets to filter the table below and find the target RPS values. Leave one of the dimensions blank to compare RPS values across that dimension. 

  1. Catalog Analytics

The Catalog analytics tab is designed to allow you to quickly understand the composition of revenue by different levels of assets: by Label, Artist or Release to understand the primary revenue drivers in your Catalog and assess the revenue movements for the period.

  • Catalog Structure: understand the revenue composition by label, artist or release. Using the buttons at the top of the section you can switch between the different dimensions to access complete revenue movements tables for the selected dimensions.

  • Historical Revenue: assess the long-term revenue trends for your catalog. The yearly revenue bar chart can be drilled down to get to the monthly revenue level, with the table allowing you to quickly filter on a specific DSP. A table view of the data is available through the flip-card button to allow you to easily find your best and worst performing months and assess long-term revenue trends.

  1. Revenue Projection

The revenue projection tab is designed to help you assess future cash flows for a specific asset by reviewing month-to-month growth/decline trends and calculating the average monthly growth/decrease rates across the period. A more detailed table-based view is available via the flip card buttons to allow you to break down revenue movements by an asset.

  1. P&L

The P&L tab is designed to allow you to put the revenue data in perspective by importing your expenses and having a complete profit and loss statement view directly in Data Pro. Expenses need to be imported through the corresponding section of the Revelator web app.

  1. Revenue / RPS / Stream Trees

Access the 3 primary metrics of the financial dashboard in a decomposition tree view to access full granularity and run custom analysis. Drill into your revenue data with no limitations.

  1. Monitoring

The monitoring tab is designed to provide a complete view of your revenue statements provided by various DSPs. Track down specific statements by narrowing on statement date and approval date, understand DSP-specific revenue reporting timeframes and anticipate future statements.