Link your YouTube channels to Revelator's YouTube MCN

Benefits of linking your YouTube channel with Revelator's MCN 

  • Benefit from Revelator’s work that results in generating more revenue from YouTube
  • Content ID for all sound recordings in the videos uploaded directly on your channel

Conditions for linking your YouTube channel

  • 100% of the content must be music related
  • 95% of the content must be original and fully owned by you: you cannot simply reupload content that already exists on YouTube (unless you fully own this content).
  • You must meet YouTube's acceptance criteria
  • Please also review the next section 

Conditions for maintaining your YouTube channel in Revelator's MCN

  1. IMPORTANT: You are required to not receive any valid strike across all your linked channels. Receiving even 1 valid strike (meaning that the strike cannot be removed) will be cause for your channel to be unlinked from Revelator's MCN. Furthermore, if you have more than 1 channel linked to Revelator, note that Revelator will unlink all your channels if you receive more than 1 strike across all your channels in any 90-day period. Note that retracted strikes will not count against your account. We recommend that you read our article on how to avoid YouTube copyright strikes. As a channel manager it is your responsibility to ensure that any rights dispute does not result in a strike. If someone is claiming one of your videos, you must do either of the following:
    1. If you own the full rights to the recording: then please issue a DMCA notice against the claiming asset on YouTube's DMCA page.
    2. If you do not own the full rights to the recording: then you must accept the 3rd party's claim or take down your video so that no strike is applied.
    3. If the issue is more complex, then it is your responsibility to reach out to our support to consult us on addressing the issue in order to avoid a strike. Note that this must be done ASAP as YouTube only gives you 7 days after your claims appeal is rejected by the 3rd party to take down the video; thereafter a strike is applied.
  2. Unless you have been cleared by Revelator to create a channel with no intention of applying to the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) to monetize your channel:
    1. You must apply for YPP within 3 months of your channel being linked/created.
    2. Your YPP application must be successful on the first attempt. The reason for this is to ensure that you are developing the type of channel which YouTube values.
    3. If you are creating multiple channels, you will need to have at least 75% YPP before Revelator will create additional channels for you. In other words, if you have 10 channels and only 6 of them are currently YPP, you will need to wait until 8 of them are YPP before Revelator will create additional channels for you.
  3. You must strictly follow all YouTube monetization and community guidelines:
    1. You cannot add your track as an intro/outro to a music compilation video in order to claim that video — your track must be part of the compilation
    2. You cannot purchase placement of your music in popular 3rd party content (such as popular TV series, news or sports broadcasts, animes and cartoons, etc.). Note that violating this YouTube policy will cause your infringing asset to be permanently removed from CID and all your YouTube CID royalties to be withheld.
  4. You must perform at least 2 of the following actions per month:
    1. Upload a provider video and make it public;
    2. Perform a live stream;
    3. Post a reel;
    4. Create a playlist;
    5. Comment on your own channel (as your Channel);
    6. Comment on another channel (as your Channel);
    7. Create a community post

Royalties Reporting for Channel

If you have YouTube channels to which you need to report to  would like Revelator to manage your channel royalties reporting to other rights holders than yourself, please contact us for more information on how this is currently handled.

Procedure to link your channel

  1. Review the following YouTube acceptance criteria to make sure your channel qualifies.
  2. Email with your channel URL or ID
  3. YouTube requires us to submit channel linking requests no more than once a month. We submit these on the 25th of each month. So if your request comes in on the 26th, it will not get sent to YouTube until the 25th of the following month. Once YouTube receives our requests, it takes about 1 week to receive their response for your application.


Fees for joining Revelator's YouTube MCN range is 15% Revenue Share.